DAVID KAHN'S 2023 Walk for Waldenstroms

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Thank you for joining me in supporting IWMF, an organization that is close to my heart!


raised by 45 people

$15,000 goal


Being diagnosed with cancer is life changing. And its especially overwhelming when you’re diagnosed with something called Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia (WM) which you can’t pronounce and have never heard of. Everyone diagnosed with WM remembers the day their doctor told them, “You have this really rare cancer that is currently incurable." Only 1,500 people are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. Because it is so rare, most community oncologists have never seen a patient with the disease or may only have one or two in their entire career. 

For this and many other reasons, the  International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) is vitally important to me and others with WM. In fact, it is so important to me that I agreed to join the Board of Directors last year and have been actively involved in many aspects of their operations. I am proud to share that 99% of all money raised is devoted to providing grants for further research and in helping those who are unable to pay for what is often incredibly expensive medical treatments. I'm also proud to share that since 1999, the IWMF has invested over $24 million in research. 

I'm writing this to you because the IWMF and I need your help.

During the entire month of September 2023, people from around the world will unite to raise awareness and support through for IWMF’s Walk for Waldenstrom’s 2023– a 1 mile run/walk. No matter if you are a patient or caregiver, friend or family member, the IWMF and WM community invite you to be a part of the Walk for Waldenstrom's.  

Gifts made during the Walk for Waldenstrom’s 2023 will make a real impact on IWMF's ability to serve patients around the world. Please join me in supporting an organization that is close to my heart.

Thank you so very much!

This fundraiser supports

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Organized By David Kahn

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