HSSC's Community Veterinary Clinic
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Humane Society of Sonoma CountyHelp keep pets with the families who love them by supporting our Community Veterinary Clinic!
raised by 150 people
$200,000 goal
Guaranteed to make you smile – the difference you’ve made for Gloria and Pretty Boy!
One day Gloria noticed that her cat, Pretty Boy Pell, had a wound on his front arm. Being a senior living on a fixed income, Gloria qualified for treatment for Pretty Boy through HSSC's Community Veterinary Clinic, so she brought Pretty Boy in to have his arm looked at.
Here are some shots of Pretty Boy And Gloria at his recheck appointment, both happy and looking great!
Pretty Boy's wound turned out to be a tumor attached to the bottom of his arm, making it nearly impossible to remove. Dr. Ada initially decided that the tumor needed to be managed medically but when Gloria had trouble giving Pretty Boy his meds they decided together that amputation was the best route.
Gloria was worried that losing a leg would negatively affect Pretty Boy but after the surgery he was up running around and according to Gloria, acting happy!
Throughout the process Gloria has been incredibly grateful to have such good care for Pretty Boy. She tells us that as a thank you she posts our flyers at the local senior center and lets people know how much we've helped her and the cat she loves.
With your help we can provide these services for our patients at cost (or less) for clients that cannot afford our fees. Our clinic is funded through donor contributions, so if you’d like to help more pets like Pretty Boy Pell, please share our CVC fundraiser with your family and friends.
Thank you for your support!
Our Community Veterinary Clinic Needs Your Help!
Since opening our low-cost Community Veterinary Clinic in early 2019, we have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of need. The CVC provides comprehensive vet care on a sliding scale for qualifying pet owners who might otherwise have to surrender their beloved pets to the shelter. To meet demand and fulfill our mission to prevent animal homelessness, we need to expand the capacity of our program. With your support, we can increase our hours of service to welcome more pet owners and their companion animals. We can provide more critical surgeries, treatments and medicine to help the animals heal. By supporting this critical program, you are making a world of difference for these pets and the families who love them.
Thank you for supporting the CVC!