CFNE Annual Appeal 2024

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cooperative Fund of the Northeast, Inc.

Help us Fund the Future by raising $50,000 for our 50th Anniversary!


raised by 51 people

We decide our future, and it’s one where co-ops transform our communities and economy.

Become a sustaining donor and show that you’re committed beyond the short-term! Select Monthly when you set up your gift.

Other ways to support us:

  • Donate by check, sent to PO Box 970, Watertown, MA 02471 (made out to Cooperative Fund of the Northeast)
  • Make CFNE a part of your legacy. Contact us to talk about major gifts and planned giving: 800-818-7833 or
  • Are you already a CFNE investor? We welcome your donations of interest and/or principal.
  • Are you interested in investing? Get in touch to find out more, and check out our Prospectus.* 

In the midst of uncertainty, some things remain steady and true. Co-ops have been around for hundreds of years, and across many cultures. In times of social and economic turmoil they are a community-controlled structure that help people not only weather the storm together - but also build a shared future.

At CFNE we are cooperative to the core. Since our founding in 1975, everything we do stems from our shared vision of economic justice for all through thriving cooperative enterprises. In 2025 we’ll celebrate CFNE’s 50th anniversary, and we plan to go into the next 50 years just as strong. 

Help us Fund the Future by raising $50,000 for CFNE’s 50th Anniversary.

What does that future look like? CFNE supports over 140 co-ops across New England and New York:

  • Grocery stores owned by their consumers, and sometimes their workers
  • Housing owned by its tenants
  • Resident-owned mobile/manufactured home parks 
  • Businesses of all stripes owned by the workers themselves (cafes, landscapers, architects, restaurants, to name just a few)

As a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution we center people’s needs and their cooperative ambitions. Our loans are transformational, not extractive. Our technical assistance is patient and free. Our goal is to set up borrowers for success, and we are invested in that success every step of the way.

Our Co-op Navigators Fellowship is developing a new generation of skilled, determined cooperative developers who can address gaps in the northeast’s co-op ecosystem - namely in Black, Indigenous, and immigrant communities.

Our participation in the Northeast Transition Initiative is making transitions to employee-ownership viable for local business owners - preserving jobs and beloved community businesses. (In partnership with the Cooperative Development Institute, ICA Group, and six other amazing partners).

Now is the time to invest in these solutions. Now is the time to uplift people over profits. Now is the time for cooperation over polarization. 

Help us launch our next 50 years of cooperative history right here in the northeast. Donate now!


CFNE’s securities are unsecured debt securities subject to terms, conditions and risks described in our Prospectus, including risk of possible loss of the amount invested. Payment is dependent on CFNE’s financial condition at the time payment is due. This is not an offer to sell you our securities. The offering is made solely by the Prospectus and only in states or jurisdictions where authorized.  Before investing, you should read our Prospectus.

● Not FDIC or SIPC insured       ● Not a bank deposit      

● No CFNE guarantee

Giving Activity


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