CFNE Annual Appeal 2022
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Cooperative Fund of the Northeast, Inc.Support impactful new initiatives like the Co-op Navigators Fellowship and more!
raised by 69 people
$25,000 goal
We need YOUR support to stay strong for the cooperative ecosystem we nourish.
Strengthening fledgling co-ops as well as established ones requires sustained support. To that end, we launched two exciting initiatives in 2022:
The Co-op Navigator Fellowship, to help build the capacity of six economic development organizations led by Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) to develop co-ops in their communities.
Equity-Like Financing, to support high impact start-up co-ops with the potential to move industries toward justice. We’ll invest $1 million of our net assets in up to 10 co-ops, with repayment terms tied to the co-op’s success, not to a schedule, and without taking an ownership stake.
To take these new and impactful initiatives to the next level we need your support.
Will you make a donation today?
Consider becoming a sustaining supporter, by making your donation recurring!