#GivingTuesday: Support Aspiring Conservationists
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Community ConservationConservation training for villages next to Myanmar's protected areas. GIFTS UP TO $5,000 MATCHED!
raised by 32 people
$10,000 goal
Giving Tuesday goal reached!
We are so incredibly grateful for the generous support we received on Giving Tuesday. We met our goal for the day of $5,000 ($2,500 in donations plus their match). Thank you so so much!
Because the matching donors have pledged $5,000, we've updated our goal and gifts are still being matched until we reach the full $10,000 ($5,000 in donations plus $5,000 match)! Thank you everyone!
Local people see their forests as more than just a place to extract food and fuel. They also see them as beautiful, biodiverse places worth protecting.
Myanmar's protected areas are surrounded by villages. Many people in these villages care deeply about the land, and are interested in getting training in conservation.
Will you help provide that training with a donation today for #GivingTuesday?
Donations will be MATCHED (up to $5,000) by a couple of long-time supporters of Community Conservation Inc. . Take advantage of this opportunity to protect even more biodiversity! Our NEW goal is $5,000 in donations (and with the match - that makes $10,000 total).
A Natural Treasure
Myanmar is a globally recognized biodiversity hotspot that supports many species unique to Southeast Asia.
It also has the largest expanses of forest in mainland Southeast Asia - some of the last strongholds for many species such as tiger, elephant, hoolock gibbon, star tortoise, and Eld’s deer.
Protected areas can support larger wildlife populations when communities on their borders make their lands more wildlife-friendly.
The Training
The Biodiversity Heroes trainings we’ve conducted with our partners in Myanmar (Friends of Wildlife ) have been helping local people protect wildlife. The trainings are a great way to inspire and equip local leaders to start their own community conservation projects such as community forestry areas, organic agriculture, and ecotourism.
There's lots of interest in attending these trainings. More villagers want to learn how to start their own conservation projects.
How Funds Will Be Used
This Giving Tuesday, we are asking for support so that we can fully fund all our activities in Myanmar for 2021. We plan to train new community conservationists from over 20 protected areas, and we will also support as many trainees as funds allow to launch projects in their villages.
Matching Gift
An anonymous couple (donors to Community Conservation for many years) has offered to help make this happen. They will match all donations up to $5,000! That means gifts received now can accomplish twice as much.
Other Projects
Community Conservation isn't only in Myanmar – we also have ongoing work helping community forestry groups in Nepal monitor wildlife populations. And we have a NEW project in Malaysia that we hope to start soon helping to involve local women in conservation, benefitting orangutans and other species.
We're asking for your help – will you make a donation today? (Donations up to $5,000 will be matched!)
Thank you for supporting people-focused conservation!
Read more about our work in Myanmar and around the world at communityconservation.org.
What is Giving Tuesday?
#GivingTuesday is a global day of generosity held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (this year it is December 1, 2020).
GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. This year, GivingTuesday emphasizes opportunities to give back to communities and causes in safe ways that allow for social connection and kindness even while practicing physical distancing.
Male Hoolock gibbon photo by Gregoire Dubois is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.