Brooks — Providing A Safe Home for All

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
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“Home is a shelter from storms — all sorts of storms.” — William J. Bennett


raised by 47 people

$7,000 goal

Hello, welcome to my Mightycause Page! My name is Brooks Wagonfeld, and I am a board member of the Jewish Teen Foundation (JTF). JTF is a program of the Jewish Community Foundation, providing motivated teens the opportunity to make a difference in the community. We do this through research, discussion, fundraising, and eventually giving grants to the organizations we feel will make be the most impactful based on our research, mission, and values. I am super excited for this opportunity, as I hope to learn not only about fundraising and philanthropy, and have already learned so much about serious issues in our community, and some of the things we can do the help combat them.

This year, our board make the decision to focus on domestic violence as, and we crafted this mission statement: The Jewish Teen Foundation North Board is committed to supporting individuals and families affected by domestic violence through organizations/initiatives that provide direct support, relocation assistance, and prevention services in order to mitigate domestic violence and help survivors approach recovery and self-sufficiency. 

Domestic violence is a very real issue that many communities face, not only throughout the United States but across the world. Many victims are stuck in situations where they don't know how to ask for help, and are often suffering from their resources being controlled. In addition:

  • According to the CDC, 25% of women and 1 in 7 of men will experience physical violence from their partner throughout some point of their lives
  • Globally, this number is estimated to be almost 1 in 3 women (UN Women)
  • 19% of domestic violence includes a weapon (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence)

Together, we can put forward our best efforts towards combatting this serious problem, and that every step, no matter how small, will make a difference for so many people afraid and harmed by the person they love. Please donate today! Any amount is greatly appreciated, and know that all of the money raised will be going towards thoroughly-researched non-profits.  All donations are also tax-deductible. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you would like to learn more:

Thank for reading, and for your donation!

This fundraiser supports

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Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

Organized By Brooks Wagonfeld

Giving Activity


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