Living Sea Sculpture #givingtuesday

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Fractured Atlas Inc.
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Art, science, and technology unite. Funds support efforts to regenerate dying corals + biodiversity.


raised by 26 people

$25,000 goal

Happy 2020!

Update posted 5 years ago

Thank YOU for making Zoe - A Living Sea Sculpture an ongoing success as a living habitat and educational project in Cozumel, Mexico! 

I was so inspired in December as we approach 2020, thinking over the decade of evolution. Here is a pictorial review and update of some last year highlights.  

Love you and grateful to you all! Today I'm writing a proposal for a grant to help us do an experiment to plant microfragments onto Zoe. I don't think it has been done before, combining these 2 methods with claims to help enhance coral growth. We want to test it out in collaboration with some experienced researchers in Mexico! If you or someone you know is interested in supporting this next phase, here is our current Mighty Cause campaign. 

Also we have a Patreon where you can become a monthly member and follow the latest, including art shows, research, and new projects. 

Fractured Atlas is our non-profit fiscal sponsor receiving tax-deductible donations all year round. 

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, sending you a huge hug to start 2020 with our highest and best intentions for a loving and healing world! 

Colleen and Living Sea Sculpture Team

Welcome to our Living Sea Sculpture Giving Tuesday Fundraiser! We want to keep creating, sustaining, and monitoring artistic and functional habitat for endangered coral reefs around the globe while building a movement of active participants helping to heal the ocean. 

For your gifts of $10 and more, you will receive a postcard of this photo, Zoe with Trunkfish. For $275 and more, an 18" x24" professional print. 

With your donations, we will:

  •  Develop new reefscape designs, working models, and prototypes
  •  Amplify our livestreaming coral regeneration project in Cozumel 
  • Train more people to work with us
  • Investigate renewable energy for future projects

With climate change and ocean acidification, corals (animals with symbiotic algae living within them) are crumbling under the heat. Some species are more resilient, yet the combination of many destructive human activities is proving too much for them to recover fast enough to build into reefs that provide adequate shore protection, clean water, and beautiful habitat for 25% of marine organisms. Many threats are wiping them out - hurricanes, unsustainable fishing, pollution, damaging development (untreated sewage, chemical run-off, displaced wildlife...) and tourism activities where people are uninformed and don't know not to step on corals or to avoid unsafe sunscreens.  There is so much we can do to help! 

This video shows you a project in a zone devastated by hurricanes and pollution.

To  livestream Zoe and learn about the moving story and electrical process that gives corals a life-supporting boost, go here. The Zoecam  connects you personally with this valuable, irreplaceable wildlife wherever you may be, even in the center of the city.

We know you love the ocean and are so grateful to the many of you who have been contributing to help revive corals for years. Thank you for being part of the life supporting efforts to improve their odds of survival and increase areas that attract fish and biodiverse species through art, science, and technology. 

Marine Biologist, Adrian Medina Carcamo planting a fan coral. Photo Colleen Flanigan©

Zoe was designed by artist, Colleen Flanigan, one of Fractured Atlas' sponsored projects.  In January, Colleen will be in Mexico to transplant coral, care for the project, share about Living Sea Sculptures at a planetarium  coral reef event, and more.  

If you are interested in finding out more about participating or have places in mind for new coral reef habitat, please contact at 

Maybe we'll see you in Mexico! 


This fundraiser supports

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Fractured Atlas Inc.

Organized By Colleen Flanigan

Use of Funds

Giving Activity



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