Help Beth Support STUDENTS With Disabilities

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Tommy Nobis Center
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YOUR $ help students with disabilities enjoy the same access to employment as their peers.


raised by 18 people

$5,000 goal

My life's passion is to help youth and adults with disabilities!!  My job offers the opportunity to change the lives for our youth to grow up in diverse, equitable and inclusive workforces.

As most of you know - I work for Tommy Nobis Center, and I along with our staff have joined together to reach an audacious goal of $120,000 to provide programs that will enrich the lives of students with disabilities.  We need YOUR help!! EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS  - no gift is too small or too large.  My personal goal this year is to exceed $2,500 - please help me reach this goal as we strive to create opportunities for students with disabilities to learn to advocate for themselves in the workforce, learn to create opportunities for themselves in these ever changing work environments and to serve students who have been adversely affected by this world-wide pandemic.  These students need YOUR HELP.

· $50 provides classroom supplies for students with disabilities.

· $100 creates community engagement opportunities with potential employers through student tours to local businesses.

· $250 equips students with job readiness skills through classroom-based sessions on resume building, interviewing, and dressing for success.  

· $500 creates on-the-job, paid training opportunities for students in our EYES or Academy programs.

· $1,000 helps provide five students with one week of summer camp.

For 2023, TNC is using the funds given during GAgives on Giving Tuesday to support our youth scholarship program. Together, we can provide the much need training for youth ages 14 and up to prepare them for success in the workforce.  These vulnerable and underserved youth receive the necessary skills to understand how to advocate themselves, interact in a world that is not traditionally set up for their special needs, and to prepare them to work within inclusive, diverse and equitable job opportunities for life-long success.  We are proud of our work and want you to hear first hand what our actual program participants have to say: (click the video below)

Use of Funds

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