Belinda Wells - Fundraiser supporting PPV

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Partners for Pediatric Vision
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We can make a lasting impact for children living with blindness and visual impairment!

7 donors

raised $1,165

10 donor goal

When I learned about Partners for Pediatric Vision (PPV), I was so inspired by the leadership and staff, and so touched by their mission, that I joined the team as their new Development Director. Vision Educators at PPV help families and their children learn what can be done to compensate for reduced sight at the time of diagnosis and throughout childhood. PPV provides care coordination amongst a network of community professionals to link children with visual impairment and their families to education, social services and medical care. From field trips and family events, to providing resources, translation, and joining families on their doctor visits--the amazing group of individuals at PPV serve with such warmth and compassion, giving families hope and opportunities that they did not know existed for their children!

Please join me in supporting Partners for Pediatric Vision this Long Beach Gives! Make a donation (early giving begins on September 12th), or start your own fundraiser for Long Beach Gives.

THANK YOU wholeheartedly💛

This fundraiser supports

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Partners for Pediatric Vision

Organized By Belinda Wells

Giving Activity


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