Tommy Nobis Center - RF3's Thanksgiving Effort!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Tommy Nobis Center
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Please join RF3 again this year as he helps to further the meaningful mission of Tommy Nobis Center!


raised by 19 people

$1,700 goal

2024 TNC Galaxy of the Stars Auction - Personal Chef Winners!

Update posted 2 months ago

The yearly Galaxy of the Stars fund raising event is always a hit! This year, in 2024, we won the bidding for an in-home personal chef experience for the second year in a row! We love Chef  George and his delectable foods!

The Apostle Paul wrote about the true meaning of generosity. He spoke in terms of giving as you have decided in your heart, not reluctantly and not under pressure. Paul shared that love takes initiative regardless of the circumstances around us. 

Since 1977, TNC has been loving on and educating youth with disabilities to find their independence and workplace success by training and empowering them to find jobs.

A dear friend of ours, Dave Ward, is the current President and CEO of TNC and thru his passion, TNC has become near and dear to the hearts of the Frazier’s! 

The last 3 years, RF3 has led a Thanksgiving fundraising campaign and with the help of family and friends, he has raised over $7,500 total! What a blessing!! 

Again, this Thanksgiving week, we are asking our friends and family to join us by making a donation directly to TNC by using Ricky III’s personal fundraising link. We are so proud that our boy has a giving heart and is developing a passion for philanthropy!

We have one week to bless TNC with our donations!! Our campaign ends on Tuesday, December 3rd which is an official day of giving called “GAGives”. Each year we donate! Please know that any gift, regardless of the size is greatly appreciated and truly valued. 

Again, this year, Ricky III is attempting to raise $1,700 (his baseball number 100 times over!) to help further the mission of Tommy Nobis Center.

Please use Ricky III’s link/page to give a tax deductible donation directly to Tommy Nobis Center this holiday week! Together we can bless students with disabilities as they work to gain hope and courage! Through TNC’s Early Youth Employment Services (EYES), students ages 14-21 are empowered to gain the confidence, self-advocacy, and job skills they need to thrive once they enter the workforce. 

  • $50 provides EYES classroom supplies for students with disabilities.
  • $100 equips EYES participants with a professional resume.
  • $250 creates community engagement opportunities for students through tours at local businesses.
  • $500 creates on-the-job paid training opportunities for EYES youth.
  • $1,000 helps support five students through one week of EYES summer camp.

For a fourth year in a row, this past summer, both Ricky’s were invited to participate in the EYES program! Their message to the students was surrounding customer service, the importance of making eye contact, being kind and how to create a sense of customer loyalty thru the power of a heartfelt “Thank You”! 

We are not sure that we can clearly articulate the impact that the visit had on us, nor do we know who reaped the largest benefit from their time there, TNC or the Ricky's!! Please know that we have had firsthand experience and have seen the magic that happens at Tommy Nobis Center! We hope that you will join us in supporting a cause that means so very much to us.

We THANK YOU in advance for your consideration!

Ricky Jr, Charmel and Ricky III

The Frazier's

This fundraiser supports

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Tommy Nobis Center

Organized By Ricky Jr, Charmel and Ricky III - The Frazier’s

Giving Activity


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