2022-2023 Annual Giving Campaign

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Waltham Partnership for Youth Inc
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raised by 130 people

$35,000 goal



Annual Giving Campaign

Dear Friend,

When Waltham Partnership for Youth was founded in 1988, the following words from former Waltham Mayor William F. Stanley sparked our future:

"The time is right for a partnership...kids are our bottom line."

Since then, we have taken that to heart and let partnership guide our mission, our relationships in Waltham, and most importantly, our work with youth.

If you're reading this letter, then you have been a partner of WPY over the last 35 years. Whether you've hosted interns, supported newcomer immigrant students, engaged in dialogue surrounding youth mental health, contributed financially, read our newsletters, or shared our information with a friend--you're our partner.

As we enter our 35th year of operating, we are proud that our work addresses systemic barriers to youth well-being in Waltham. Our Career Exploration & Training program helps to address income disparities in Waltham by introducing youth to paid work experiences, including specific career pathways to the education and mental health fields, both of which will benefit from more diverse workforces. Our Wraparound Waltham collaborative offers holistic support to newcomer immigrant youth and families via Welcome Classes and our Welcome Center. Although the needs of our community have changed over time, our commitment to young people has not.

As partners of WPY, we trust that you share this commitment, and we know we can rely on you to help us succeed during the upcoming year. Donate today to help us build a community of belonging and opportunity for all Waltham youth.

With much gratitude,

Kaytie Dowcett

Executive Director

Waltham Partnership for Youth

We envision a world where young people have the skills, resources, and opportunities to participate fully in their communities and create their own paths to success and well-being. Do you?

Thanks to last year's donations, we were able to make a BIG impact. Make a donation this year to help these numbers increase even more!

101 students successfully completed a 6-week summer internship.

136 newcomer immigrant students participated in the WPY/WHS Welcome Class at the high school.

19 youth were certified in Teen Mental Health First Aid.

150+ families were supported with food, housing, health services, school processes, and legal aid via the Welcome Center. 

10 staff members and 5 school-year student interns currently work in the WPY office.

Giving Activity



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