Embracing Immigrants: iAlphabet at Public Schools

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture
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Support display of An Immigrant Alphabet banners with arts programming at Philly public schools!


raised by 59 people

$5,000 goal


Update posted 5 years ago

ALF SHUKR -- A Thousand Thanks to the 59 donors who helped us reach our goal 😀   We are truly grateful for your support... enabling us to spread the message of An Immigrant Alphabet and serve Philadelphia public school students!

Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture is asking for your help to fund the display of An Immigrant Alphabet banners with accompanying educational programming that seeks to amplify the voices of Philadelphia’s diverse communities.  

We are committed to supporting immigrant and refugee communities and to cultivating an America that is welcoming to all.

Your donations will support our partnerships with five Philadelphia public schools where our team provides cross-cultural arts instruction: Northeast High School, John Moffet School, Juniata Park Academy, Albert Greenfield School, and Penn Alexander School.

In 2017 Al-Bustan produced An Immigrant Alphabet -- a public art installation featuring the work of artist Wendy Ewald in collaboration with eighteen Northeast High School students exploring their immigrant experiences. #iAlphabet was displayed at the Municipal Services Building in Center City Philadelphia from September 2017 through July 2018 with a series of free participatory events held at Thomas Paine Plaza and venues across the city. Subsequently, the project was on display at Cherry Street Pier from November 2018 through June 2019. The book America, Border, Culture, Dreamer: The Young Immigrant Experience from A to Z features the images of the banners and the students' narratives.  

Watch what this project meant to the students and the city!  (video and editing by Dave Tavani)

For the next phase of the project we are dispersing the 26 banners at sites across Philadelphia.  We hope to extend its reach and continue conversations about the immigrant experience.

We need your support to continue cross-cultural arts programming that embraces immigrants and nurtures an inclusive school community.  A gift of any amount is appreciated.  We hope you’ll give as generously as you can! Your donation is tax-deductible.

Thank you from Al-Bustan Staff and Board of Directors

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