Support Cohort Sistas on Give 8/28!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cohort Sistas, Inc.
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Support Black women pursuing research doctorates by providing resources, mentorship, and community!


raised by 2 people

$5,000 goal

Happy Give 8/28! On this day during Black Philanthropy Month, we commemorate multiple important historical milestone moments in Black American’s march toward freedom, including Emmett Till's murder (August 28, 1955), Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s iconic “I Have A Dream” speech (August 28, 1963), and then-Senator Barack Obama's acceptance of the Democratic nomination for President (August 28, 2008). 

Like the freedom fighters who came before us, Cohort Sistas is equally committed to advancing racial equality, primarily through our work to support Black women pursuing higher education. We make up less than 3% of doctoral degree holders each year in America, and face significant social, educational, and financial barriers to both obtaining doctoral degrees and thriving afterwards. 

We need your support to continue our work — help us provide resources, mentorship, and community for Black women pursuing research doctorates by giving today!

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