Adventure with Us
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Explore Gods World, Inc.Explore God's World is a 501c3 ministry showing people that the world's greatest adventure is Jesus.
raised by 1 people
$750 goal
"Men cannot say they do not know about God. From the beginning of the world, men could see what God is like through the things He has made. This shows His power that lasts forever. It shows that He is God. (Romans 1:20)"
Explore God's World is devoted to exploring "the things that He has made" in both the physical and spiritual world. Our goal is to enhance how people view The Creator as we observe the natural world around us through outdoor recreation.
In March 2007, eight men went canoe camping in the Okefenokee Swamp. This trip was organized because there were several men who needed to get away for the weekend. After a four hour car ride and a 10 mile paddle into the swamp to a large wooden platform, we found ourselves far away from the daily distractions of life. Little did we know at the time but this was the beginning of Explore God's World.
Since that initial trip, Explore God's World continues to organize an annual trip for men and boys encouraging them through praise, worship, and adventure. Because of the faithfulness with our men's trip, God has expanded our borders by allowing us to add an annual Ladies Adventure Trip and yearly Father/Daughter events. We also have had opportunities to take youth groups and Sunday School classes into the outdoors to allow them to expand their horizons by exploring the world around them.
Explore God's World is continually looking for ways to enhance how we experience the Creator. Our future plans include adding God centered events, such as hiking trips, rock climbing adventures, and rafting trips to our experiences. We would like to ask you to please be in prayer for our ministry as God continues to use us to spread His word.