Dementia Daycare for Desi Seniors - #GiveInMay2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

India Home, Inc.
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Help South Asian elders with dementia and their caregivers receive the care and support they need!


raised by 35 people

$100,000 goal

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear… or the smallest act of caring”

Aging happens to everyone, but when you’re slowly losing all your memories, forgetting who your closest friends and family are, and aren’t able to do the activities you enjoyed anymore, it can be a sad and lonely experience both for you and the people who love you. 

This is a reality for 5 million+ seniors and 16 million caregivers across the country, yet Dementia and related Alzheimer’s diseases are still very misunderstood and ignored in the South Asian community. These diseases have no cure, but proper treatment and support can help patients and their family members cope with the challenges. 

In collaboration with our funder Ponce De Leon foundation and long-time partner Parker Jewish Institute, we are launching a special new 3D Desi Dementia Daycare program that offers:

  • Sensory Stimulation Activities: Hand painting, Knitting, Gentle Hand Massages, Culturally familiar arts & crafts
  • Social Interaction: Storytelling, Friendly Conversations, and Reminiscence Groups 
  • Safe & Relaxing Respite Care (3-days a week, 10am to 3pm)
  • Cognitive Music & Arts Therapy
  • Low-impact Yoga and Exercises
  • Caregiver Support Services: peer support circles, counseling, educational workshops, mental-health focused recreational activities 
  • Healthy lunchtime meals, transportation provision, and more!

“The hardest thing is watching somebody you love forget they love you”

Research shows that between 2000 and 2018, annual deaths from Alzheimer’s increased 146% - the fifth leading cause for death among seniors in America. This is a neurodegenerative disease that destroys brain cells over time. Heartbreaking to hear, right?                              

For those of us who are close with our parents and grandparents, we can’t even imagine what it would be like to see them drastically change from the strong, caring, and independent people they used to be to now being someone unrecognizable - someone frail, forgetful & reserved, and helplessly dependent on others for care.

Additionally, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity,  increase the likelihood of experiencing Alzheimer's and related diseases - all of which are common health complications among South Asians. 

3D Care provides a ray of hope for these elders and their families, especially in our South Asian community where negative cultural stigma and lack of awareness on mental-health diseases prevents many from seeking the right treatment and services they need. 

By pitching in this #GiveInMay, YOU can help these elders and their families find the courage to smile again through all their hardships and grief. 

Please support 3D Care and India Home today! 

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