Sensory Experience: Blind Wine Tasting

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Growing for Inclusion Inc
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Our Sensory Experiences are a journey towards empathy; open new abilities by closing some senses.


raised by 1 people

$3,000 goal

Support our Sensory Experiences, these are crafted activities that encourage participants to close or limit certain senses, such as touch, sight or hearing, to open up new perspectives and deepens other senses, creating empathy for those differently abled. 

By wearing blindfolds, using earplugs, or navigating without touch, participants experience the challenges and strengths of adapting to limited sensory input. These activities fosters a greater understanding of the capabilities of people with disabilities and how they navigate the world in unique ways. 

It highlights that by shifting focus from limitations to alternative ways of perceiving, we can change our view of disability from a challenge to an opportunity for connection and innovation.

Join Our Upcoming: "Blind Wine Tasting Experience"  Nov 20th Telemundo's Coverage of our "Riding through your eyes - Tandem Experience"

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