10 Year Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Theresa's Research Foundation
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We are launching a 10-year fund to help patients with metastatic cancer for years to come.


raised by 43 people

Update #1

Update posted 5 months ago

Our Sympathy and our Hearts are with Tricia and her family. The family has been supporting the Foundation since the start. Tricia will continue to inspire us to CHANGE the Odds as she certainly did herself.


This photo is from one of our first fundraisers in 2013. 

 Dear friends, 

As we approach Giving Tuesday and the Holiday season, we thought it would be good to reach out. 2023 is a significant year for us as we celebrate two major milestones – the 10-year anniversary of Theresa’s Research Foundation and the 10-year anniversary of The Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Conference. And while we wish every day that our Founder Theresa Newby Harpole was here to recognize these milestones with us, we know she would be immensely proud and forever grateful for the dedication and generosity of the donors, oncologists, researchers, and especially the patient advocates who continue to support our efforts.

How it all started

In 2013, Theresa had been living with Metastatic Breast Cancer for several years and recognized that more needed to be done for people with metastatic breast cancer. This drive epitomized Theresa as she always put others first. With the help of family, friends, and her local community, Theresa's Research Foundation was established. The Foundation got off the ground quickly by establishing a relationship with prominent researchers at Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, where she was treated. With the support from everyone who was involved locally, the first event was a huge success and showed that the Foundation had a bright future. Unfortunately, Theresa became sick later that year and passed away at the age of 46. Giving Tuesday will mark the 10-year anniversary of her passing. 

This tragedy has a triumph as the Foundation moved forward with Theresa's vision of "Working Together to Change the Odds." Theresa was passionate about education, so it was fitting that the Foundation started a conference focused on Metastatic Breast Cancer with prominent researchers in 2014. The Foundation also hosted a Gala in 2014 in her honor where the community came out in force to show their support.

2014 & Beyond

Since 2014, the Foundation has focused on expanding the conference to bring together a diverse audience, including patients and patient advocates, and create a collaborative research environment with a long-term goal of developing curative approaches for metastatic breast cancer. It has grown from a small regional conference to the only international conference of its kind. The conference has been co-hosted at prominent academic institutions including: The University of Kansas Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic and Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah. We are grateful to all the researchers and clinicians who have participated in the conference over the years as well as patient advocates who have contributed so much to this work.

10 Year Fund 

We have launched the Theresa's Research Foundation 10-year Fund to ensure we can continue to facilitate the conference and improve the life of patients with metastatic breast cancer for years to come. With Giving Tuesday around the corner Stay in the fight to change the odds by donating today!  

Best wishes, 

Josh, Linda, Randy & Sheryl 

To donate click the link above. 

Donations can also be mailed to: PO Box 638 Godfrey, IL 62035

Giving Activity


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