Meals on Wheels Yolo County

A nonprofit organization

$114,950 raised by 411 donors

100% complete

$100,000 Goal

Let's "Eat Well, Age Well" Together in Yolo County!

A Movement Creating Healthier Outcomes for Local Seniors, Prioritizing Nutritious Food Security and Socialization in Our Cities and Rural Communities

In 2024, the "Eat Well, Age Well" sustenance phase of Meals on Wheels Yolo County's capacity-building "Operation Accelerate" initiative focuses upon nourishing and engaging more struggling seniors in more Yolo County neighborhoods than ever before in our almost 50-year history with:

  • Fresh, local nutritious food
  • Medically tailored meals
  • Expanded "Cafe Yolo" social dining options
  • More rural meals access

Today, MOW Yolo nourishes nearly 1,000 food insecure, isolated aging adults countywide, and is the only provider in Yolo County of fully prepared meals for seniors. No social services provider other than MOW Yolo fully meets the needs of local seniors who are unable to travel to a grocery store or other food access location, and/or are physically unable to prepare their own food and do not have family or a caregiver to assist.

The program has grown by an astounding 150%+ in two years, with approaching 20,000 meals produced and delivered each month. Yet, MOW Yolo still is serving only 12% of the senior population estimated to be food insecure in Yolo County, per 2020 U.S. Census statistics. As many as 8,100+ local seniors live in poverty in our communities and await healthy meals.  Furthermore, the many one-time, pandemic-era funding sources leveraged to build MOW Yolo's capacity in recent years will end in the next five months, putting at risk the sustenance of MOW Yolo's programmatic growth to nourish more seniors with more meals.

✔ With your generosity, "Eat Well, Age Well" will make it possible for Meals on Wheels Yolo County to sustain and deepen our commitment to nourish and engage seniors countywide.

Your support on this Big Day of Giving is the link that connects MOW Yolo's actions with healthier outcomes for vulnerable, isolated aging adults in your community. The "Eat Well, Age Well" phase amplifies the ongoing pursuit of the original "Operation Accelerate" goals to:

  • Nourish more seniors with more meals
  • Nourish more nutritiously, preparing meals with more fresh and local foods 
  • Nourish more equitably, inclusive of ALL geographic areas of Yolo County, and with sensitivity for varying cultural approaches to senior nutrition and socialization

Yolo County thrives only when all residents are nourished, especially our elders, many of whom who've devoted their lives to shaping our community's economy and social structure. Your generous investment in Meals on Wheels Yolo County's "Eat Well, Age Well" movement gives them hope.  Aren't they worth it? 

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Meals on Wheels Yolo County

other names

People Resources, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)





P.O. Box 528
Woodland, CA 95776-0528



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