Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
9440 SW 106 AvenueMiami, FL 33176
With the help of grants, donations, and platforms such as Give Miami Day, we can continue our mission of conserving and protecting our local environment. Below, we've included a brief summary, needed items, and a general cost of what it takes for our projects to run each year. Any support we receive from you will be instrumental in allowing us to continue this work!
1) Sea Turtle Nesting Surveys: a 6-month seasonal project that monitors, tracks, and documents marine sea turtle nesting activity on Virginia Key to observe sea turtle population trends and coordinate conservation efforts
Annual Cost to Maintain: ~$15,000
Needed Items: UTV maintenance and fuel, stakes, nest marking supplies, data tracking supplies, etc.
2) Cetacean Aerial Survey Project: a research project partnered with Dolphin Research Center focused on collecting marine mammal data through the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, as opposed the the traditional, more invasive techniques still commonly used today
Annual Cost to Maintain: $15,000
Need Items: sample analysis, conference fees, travel costs, drones, drone maintenance, boat fuel, etc.
3) Evolution of Darwin Beach: a beach enhancement project focused on removing marine debris and invasive/exotic vegetation and replacing them with native plants on Virginia Key's Darwin Beach. The next phase of the project is to create an education trail and increase accessibility of the area.
Quote to Create Trail: $10,000
Needed items: rubber work gloves, donated native plants, food for volunteers, various outdoor equipment, funds for removal
Additionally we seek funds to compensate interns, support outreach endeavors, and provide basic field equipment for our staff, interns, and volunteers. We want to continue tackling these, and other local environmental issues in the future with innovative research and conservation techniques. If you ever want to know more about what we do, or if you're interested in volunteering, our email is
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
9440 SW 106 Avenue