Organization name
The Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 366Jefferson City, MO 65102
All living things depend on clean and sustainable sources of water. Clean water and healthy freshwater ecosystems have never been more important to our health, safety and future.
In a public/private partnership the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation (MCHF), Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and the University of Missouri (MU) established the Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries Wetlands and Aquatic Systems in March 2023. The Johnny Morris Institute is cultivating the next generation of conservation professionals that will impact water and conservation for years to come.
We need inspired, educated and trained conservation stewards to bring innovative expertise and research that will be used to work toward a sustainable planet. Join us in developing a legacy through the Johnny Morris Institute advancing the wellness of our watersheds improving all quality of life.
Help us leave a lasting impact on our most precious natural resources, water.
Contact Tricia Burkhardt at or 319.610.5215 to learn more about the different opportunities to give.
About MCHF
The Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation (MCHF) was founded in 1997 to advnace the conservation and appreciation of Missouri's natural resources including, fish, forest and wildlife. MCHF works with donors and other conservation partners to financially support the mission and priorities of the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) at the state, national and international level.
MCHF is govered by a volunteer board of directors comprised of conservatoin, community and business leaders. Since our founding, we have allocated over $27 million for conservation funding statewide, plus $13.3 million to the Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands and Aquatic Systems.
The Foundation is devoted to supporting and raising funds for the following areas:
- Youth/Disabled youth hunting, fishing, archery and outdoor skills programs
- Missouri National Archery in the Schools Program (MoNASP)
- Clean water
- Migratory birds
- Nature camps
- Pollinator/Monarch and other wildlife habitats
- Veterans/Disabled veterans hunting and fishing programs
- Land banks/conservation easements for endangered species/species of conservation concern
Organization name
The Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 366