Miami Workers Center

A nonprofit organization

$6,893 raised by 126 donors

46% complete

$15,000 Goal

Over the past quarter-century, the Miami Workers Center has been at the vanguard of advancing social justice and equity in Miami Dade County. From advocating for environmental justice, affordable and safe housing, and workers' rights to fighting against systemic racism and discrimination and for reproductive justice, our work has shaped the face of Miami and has been at the forefront of creating positive change in Miami. As we celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we invite you to join us in celebrating the successes of the past 25 years and charting a course for the future! As we navigate increasingly complex challenges and build the Miami we all want and deserve we are counting on you for support!

MWC believes in visibility, respect, higher wages, benefits, & power for care workers that keep people alive & make all other work possible. We are Transforming the Care Economy by building the power of Black, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinx & Latinx women domestic workers, cleaners, nannies, childcare workers & home care aides to transform South Florida's exploitative care economy & confront poor working conditions, labor trafficking, wage theft & sexual harassment via labor-co-enforcement & domestic worker cooperatives.

MWC believes in community control of affordable, accessible housing with dignity, & the end of mass displacement. We fight for Housing Justice and build renter power to confront landlord abuse- we recently won a Tenant Bill of Rights, secured a new Tenant Advocate Office & funding for a Tenant Right to Counsel so that renters can defend against unscrupulous landlords & remain housed.

MWC believes in community control over public land to protect our neighborhoods from wasteful luxury development & climate gentrification; access to clean air, water, fresh food, & green spaces for our children & families. We demand Environmental Justice and a Just Recovery by mobilizing mutual-aid supports through our Emergency Operations Center & our Sisters in Struggle Mutual Aid Program offering mothers of color solidarity, sisterhood & direct relief- rental relief, & costly items - diapers, feminine hygiene products & PPE.

MWC believes in autonomy over our bodies, access to what we need in order to heal from trauma & protect the health & well-being of ourselves & our children. We demand Reproductive Justice & We build the political power Black and brown women. MWC 's campaigns shift the public narrative & advancing policy reforms that respond to the needs of Black and brown women, secure sexual & reproductive health & rights for all; support Black women's emotional health & well-being; & end gender-based violence.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Miami Workers Center

Tax id (EIN)



745 NW 54th St
Miami, FL 33127



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