Marian Middle School

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,630 Goal

As a leader in providing life-altering education, Marian is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty through education.

Each morning, nearly 60 students arrive at Marian from up to 20 different zip codes. For some, that means a long, early wait at a bus stop and multiple transfers, while others walk no matter the weather conditions. While in our care for the next ten hours, we celebrate their self-worth, intelligence and potential. What they do is not easy. Many have faced one or more challenging circumstances, such as poverty, homelessness, food insecurity, gun violence or abuse. Many have not had the luxury of having an advocate who has walked in their shoes before them in their pursuit of a high school or college diploma. At least 88% qualify for the free and reduced-priced meals program, a national indicator of poverty.

But at Marian, we believe the experiences they've overcome demonstrate their inherent potential. We empower them to succeed through transformational education and enrichment programming during their middle school years and graduate support throughout high school and college so they can develop the critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, and life skills needed to succeed.

As a result, Marian Girls are succeeding at rates that far outpace their peers. Last year, 100 percent of alum graduated from high school and 93% entered post-secondary institutions, compared to 44% of their St. Louis peers.

From 6th grade through career success, we are Educating Girls for Life!

Who We Serve
Up to 60 middle school students
Over 60 alumnae in high school
60+ alumnae enrolled in college

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Marian Middle School

Tax id (EIN)





SAINT LOUIS, MO 63116-3935



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