Organization name
Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Tax id (EIN)
12070 Telegraph Road Suite 207Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
L.A. CADA is a licensed and certified substance use and behavioral provider by the State of California's Department of Health Care Services and the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health - Substance Abuse Prevention and Control. We offer critical services across a wide continuum of care and treatment, including outpatient, intensive outpatient, and residential programs. We offer drug education/diversion, parenting education, anger management, and domestic violence counseling services. Additionally, we offer HIV/AIDS prevention and intervention services, including HIV testing.
Lost is an understatement of how I was feeling that day. I was broken, in more ways than one! LA CADA put me back together.
I briefly remember my intake process, the only thing I can recall is wanting to feel better. I wanted my anxiety gone. I wanted the voices to disappear. I wanted my kids back. I wanted help! I needed help.
That's when I ran into Nurse Jones and I asked, "Do you know anything about mental health?"
"Yes", he responded, "what would you like to know?" "How did I lose my mind?"
"You don't necessarily lose your just lost touch of reality. One thing that can help is to surround yourself with people you trust."
Immediately, I felt better. I felt HOPE and I took his advice - He told me to surround myself with people whom I trusted so that is exactly what I did.
I went to Alice House.
Words do no justice with my indescribable experience and journey with LA CADA.
I found myself eager to learn and was surrounded by a team with a passion to heal. Together, we made it happen!
My evolution with LA CADA:
It was your team that introduced me to recovery. Thank you for the support you guys offered - even in the midst of my addiction. I was in denial as I continued my addiction, pregnant and living the motel-life. Despite the countless reasons I gave, you never turned your backs on me. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms when I finally made it through those front doors.
And thank you Vanesa Paniagua, for being there throughout this entire journey.
Alice House,
I never thought I would become so connected to a physical place until I had the privilege of being a client there. I come from a family that laid the foundation of love but my addiction robbed me of that. Alice House helped me find the path back to my values learned and gave back my sense of belonging. I went from the streets/train tracks/motels to a surrogate family that gave me an appreciation for things that I previously took for granted such as a bed, food or even house chores.
Within a 90-day period I learned of boundaries, the significance of routine and most importantly, I learned how to practice honesty while surrendering the outcome.
Alice House, I miss and love you guys more than you know. My stay in your facility was my introduction to a better lifestyle.
Thank you for loving me until I learned to love myself.
Nuestra Casa,
I did not want to enter your facility and a huge part of that was because I was leaving Alice House - My comfort zone. Change is very daunting and I was scared! You did not let me leave and made the transition from residential smoother. My heartfelt thanks for your investment in me - I am now employed with LA CADA, in school and a better mother, for that I am truly grateful.
Thank you LA CADA, for everything.
Thank you for being that shoulder needed when my pain seemed unbearable. Thank you for instilling in me a new, healthier mindset.
Thank you for helping me find my way back to motherhood!
Thank you. Thank you! Thank you.
-Fa'afouina Melanie Alesana (Fofo)
Organization name
Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Tax id (EIN)
12070 Telegraph Road Suite 207