Sacred Earth Foundation

A nonprofit organization

3 donors

3% complete

$20,000 Goal

This world needs every bit of goodness that we can pour on it.  We are called to take stands for our values, build community, deepen our skills, and practice active earthcare.

In these times, the work of Sacred Earth Foundation feels ever more critical.  Together, we hold and steward important land.  Inspire and prepare children and adults to love this world, and to put that love into action.  Offer a taste of nourishing community, to sustain us in the work and give us a sense of what is possible.

We believe that the best of our humanity is activated by meaningful connection to community and land.  And it has never seemed more important to activate the best of our humanity.

Ekone offers this opportunity to hundreds of children and adults each year.  We’re in our 5th decade of cultivating place-based social change and practical stewardship, and every year the work grows more intentional, effective, and relevant.

Please consider investing in Ekone’s work for the year ahead by making a generous annual fund donation.  

Annual fund donations are the foundation of Ekone’s organizational strength for the coming year.  Your vote of confidence in our work—ALL of it, from summer camp to cemetery and everything in between—is a powerful statement.  Your support ensures that the fundamental needs of the ranch are well met, so that we can focus on critical work in the year ahead.

We also welcome donations to our three targeted fundraising initiatives, the Camp Scholarship Fund, the Conservation Fund, and the Saddle Up! Capital Campaign.  Details below!

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Sacred Earth Foundation

Tax id (EIN)






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