Children's Dental Health Clinic

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$25,000 Goal

The Children's Dental Health Clinic provides quality, comprehensive oral health services that include General and Pediatric Dentistry, Oral Hygiene Education, an Early Intervention Program, Orthodontia, Endodontics, Periodontics, Oral Surgery, treatment with intravenous sedation, and treatment under general anesthesia in the operating rooms of the Miller Children's & Women's Hospital.

We are an accredited premier training facility for multi-dental specialties. In partnership with the University of Southern California (USC) we provide resident training for Pediatric Dentists and Oral Surgeons. In partnership with Cerritos College and West Coast University we serve as a training site for Registered Dental Hygienists and Registered Dental Assistants.

We advocate for a more effective and expansive social safety net and our team members have served in leadership roles with the prominent industry groups like the California Dental Association, the California Dental Hygienist's Association, and the Dental Board of California.

Our Executive Director, John Blake, DDS, is a staunch advocate for improvements to structural inequalities contributing to inequitable oral health outcomes of children at the local and state levels. Currently serving as the Immediate Past President of the California Dental Association, his work has contributed to significant improvements in Denti-Cal, the State of California's Medicaid dental program, which provides coverage for half of California's children and 90% of our patients.

Our team is acutely aware of the challenges in delivering comprehensive, quality care to community members who rely on Medi-Cal Dental coverage to meet their oral health care needs. Because we are committed to providing comprehensive care regardless of ability to pay (or insurers willingness to cover), we only receive approximately 60% of the true costs of services via insurance reimbursements and must make up the remainder with a creative and continuous influx of support from our individuals, corporations, and institutions.


Meet Emma!!

Emma* became our patient back in 1996, when she was only seven years old. Throughout her life, Emma continued her dental care at the CDHC until she turned 21 years old and received comprehensive dental treatment on a regular basis, as well as orthodontia treatment that until now has kept her smile looking incredible. Now, as a 35-year-old mother, Emma continues coming to the CDHC, but now bringing her children. With only one year old, her son Chris* came to his very first visit to the dentist with us! Due in part with the knowledge that Emma received from our Multi-Specialty Dental Treatment teams, Chris has no cavities and maintains an excellent dental hygiene. For over 92 years since our inception, and with the support of hundreds of individuals and organizations, we continue to exist and serve the same purpose in our community.

*Patient names have been changed due to HIPAA Regulations.Children's Dental Health Clinic

Organization Data


Organization name

Children's Dental Health Clinic

Tax id (EIN)



455 East Columbia Street, Suite 32
Long beach, CA 90806



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