Organization name
Youth Edification Equine Human Association and Alliance Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Community
Salt Lake and Granite Student PopulationWEST VALLEY CITY, UT 84128
YEEHAAA brings social awareness, change, and diversity to the forefront for students to stop bullying in our schools. Metaphorically, students see how society treats horses by participating in field trips, and hands-on experiential groundwork with wild mustangs, holistic horses, ponies, quarter horses, etc... The program gives the student an open door to have his/her voice heard to promote strength, empowerment, and express personal growth through the Arts of Humanity, and S.T.E.A.M. program.
Since 2003-2021, YEEHAAA's certification with the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA). EAGALA is a global standard for equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP) and equine-assisted learning (EAL). YEEHAAA moved to certification with Arenas for Change (ARCH) Home - ARCH ( an evidence-based global community for all professional fields to work with equine-assisted psychotherapy, and other animals. YEEHAAA is proud to be an ARCH Founding Member to reduce bullycide and able to build a safer school environment.
Organization name
Youth Edification Equine Human Association and Alliance Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Community
Salt Lake and Granite Student Population