Organization name
Water for South Sudan, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Health , International , Economic Development
P.O. BOX 25551ROCHESTER, NY 14625
In South Sudan, millions of people—mostly women and girls—walk up to 3.7 mi (9.5 km) per day to collect water from marshes, ditches, or hand-dug wells where water is often contaminated with parasites and bacteria. The results are sickness, even death.
Water for South Sudan empowers people in remote villages of South Sudan to change their lives. By providing access to clean, safe water and facilitating hygiene education and sanitation programs, Water for South Sudan sows the seeds for growth. Once a well is drilled, schools, markets, and clinics spring up, and life changes, especially for women and girls.
Water for South Sudan is realizing the vision of Salva Dut, a former "Lost Boy of Sudan," now a dual U.S. and South Sudanese citizen, who has dedicated himself to rebuilding his country.
Water for South Sudan is supported by committed volunteers, civic, educational, and faith-based institutions, and donors from all 50 US states and 59 other nations.
Since 2005, Water for South Sudan has drilled more than 500 wells, providing clean water to 325,000+ people in South Sudan. Each season we aim to drill 40 new wells and rehabilitate 40 older wells. We also provide a three-day hygiene education program in each village where we drill or rehab a well.
In 2018 we built our first latrine at Zogolona Primary School serving over 800 individuals and continue to monitor this project. We also continue the United Peace and Development Project, working with Aqua-Africa, across tribal lines, to bring access to fresh water. Water for South Sudan is dedicated to helping to develop South Sudan, the newest nation on earth.
Organization name
Water for South Sudan, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Health , International , Economic Development
P.O. BOX 25551