Organization name
Wasatch Comtemporary Dance Company
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 463Orem, UT 84059
Wasatch Contemporary Dance Company provides adult dancers in Utah County with opportunities to develop their technical and artistic skills by creating exceptional works of art in the field of contemporary dance. WCDC also seeks to develop Utah County’s potential as a hub for the arts by teaching dance in the community, providing accessible and affordable performances for all audiences, and collaborating with local artists of all fields.
In Salt Lake County you can find a plethera of professional dance opportunities nearly every night of the week. In Utah County, almost every advancement in the professional dance scene has been fought for and won by the dancers and administrators of the Wasatch Contemporary Dance Company. While Utah County art and culture has made leaps and bounds in recent years and dance is finding its voice within this renaissance, there is still so much that YOU can do to help WCDC provide professional contemporary dance experiences for both the dancers and audience members in our community.
1. Consider donating to the cause! Your donations go directly towards funding WCDC concerts and providing quality dance in YOUR community. You can donate through this site or on our website,
2. Attend a WCDC performance! Our next concert is June 24-25 at the Ragan Theater on UVU Campus! Visit for more information or to buy tickets (beginning May 24).
3. Attend a WCDC public technique class offered every Tuesday night Jan-May and Aug-Dec! Classes are held at Smash Dance Academy, our home and one of our greatest sponsors. Class is held from 8:30-10 PM and only costs $5! Again, visit for the class schedule.
Organization name
Wasatch Comtemporary Dance Company
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 463