Trinity Heights Respite Care - Program Funds
$100 Raised
Founded in 1991, we exist to provide subsidized respite care to families in Harvey and Marion Counties who have children, age birth to 16 years, who have special needs. We offer respite care in the family home (any time) and the Parents Day Out program, usually the third Saturday of every month. Recently, we have also added a Summer Fun program, which our families and children we serve love! Children with special needs and their siblings are welcome to join us for all or part of that time.
Client fees cover only 8-10% of the total cost of care, so we depend on grants and donations to make up our operating budget. Please help us if you can–we accept checks and cash any time!
Organization name
Trinity Heights Respite Care
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Volunteer
1200 Boyd