Organization name
The Swim Charity
Education , Children & Family , Humanitarian Aid
Encinitas, CA 92023
Below is a brief description of the crisis and the work The Swim Charity is doing. Please visit to read further about the Problem, Solution, Conservation, Focus Countries, Volunteering, etc.
Hundreds of thousands of children and adults needlessly die from drowning every year merely because they have not been taught the most basic of swimming or water survival skills. In many developing countries, drowning is the number one killer of persons ages 1 to 14.
The death-toll outranks tuberculosis, pneumonia, meningitis and is almost as high as malnutrition and malaria. The World Health Organization has issued a call to action for this overlooked global crisis.
Often, over 95% of these populations do not know how to swim, nor do they have the opportunity to learn – until now.
Drowning is easily preventable, in that education is the main requirement. Once learned, the knowhow is retained for life. The Swim Charity teaches fundamental swimming and water rescue skills to the inhabitants and trains local instructors to continue the mission. All are then tasked with passing this knowledge on from person to person, village to village and thus promoting a chain reaction of education that eventually solves the problem nationwide.
Unlike food, medical or infrastructure projects, the cost of implementation is relatively low and the interaction need only be momentary and therefore not infinitely dependent on foreign aid. It does not require expensive drugs or immunizations; though, drowning kills almost as many people as the deadliest diseases. The resources for implementation are inexpensive, readily available and execution does not require extensive supplies or personnel.
Please see the “Solution” page on our website for an outline of how the monies raised are allocated.
This Solution is Simple, Effective and Sustainable
Water pollution has been increasing exponentially in developing nations. Learning to swim creates a love for the water. It’s fundamental; if you stop fearing the water and instead enjoy playing in it, you’ll want to keep it clean.
Prevention Through Education
Your donation WILL SAVE LIVES!
Visit to read further about the Problem, Solution, Conservation, Focus Countries, Volunteering, etc.
PLEASE post this MightyCause campaign URL and our website link on your social media and share with all your friends so we can reach/exceed our fund-raising goal.
Your Help Will Make a Difference
Organization name
The Swim Charity
Education , Children & Family , Humanitarian Aid