Center for Social Sustainable Systems (CESOSS)

A nonprofit organization

114 donors

CESOSS is a community-driven and community-supported organization that focuses on the protection and preservation of land, water, and traditions in the South Valley and New Mexico, at large. Because we are a small nonprofit, much of our work depends on direct community support and volunteer-driven support. Any sized donation ensures that our work continues in the community! 

CESOSS Accomplishments & Highlights in 2021:

  1. Our team will launch the South Valley Hidden Gems Program in July 2021. The project is a community assessment dedicated to recognizing the artists, leaders, and resources that make the South Valley community so special.
  2. Our team has finalized the Ciclos de la Tierra Program and will begin to share the curriculum with local schools soon. We are excited to implement the curriculum and teach the youth in our community about the importance of land, water, and tradition.
  3. Our Acequia Walk & Talk 2021 Series has experienced a significant increase in event attendance and headcounts have almost tripled. A large proportion of these attendees are young people who are eager to connect with their community and Mother Earth.
  4. Our 10th cohort of the CESOSS Leadership Institute graduated in June 2021. This group of scholars was exceptionally impactful and set numerous milestones for our organization, as the first cohort to be all female and expand beyond state lines.
  5. Our 1st cohort of the Ce Akatl Ceremonial Academy experienced their first Vision Quest Ceremony in May 2021. This group of scholars additionally engage with biweekly Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and focused dialogues with community elders.
  6. Our  team is on track to establish the Earth Timekeepers Program as a separate nonprofit entity. A Board of Directors was recruited in January 2021 to develop the organization, develop its programs, and support the international network.

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Center for Social Sustainable Systems (CESOSS)

Tax id (EIN)



Education Environment Community


211 10th St
Albuquerque, NM 87102


505 459 4949