Organization name
Southwest Human Development
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Health, Children & Family
2850 N. 24th StreetPhoenix, AZ 85008
"It was so easy to work with Southwest Human Development. They cared about what I had to say and what I thought. They listened and cared about what the OT had to say. They take pride in their work, and the modification process was quick." - Mandi, Marlee's mom.
"Our experience with the ADAPT Shop blew me away. From the beginning, the team really worked to collaborate with me and our physical therapist to understand Sophia's specific medical needs." - Bianca, Sophia's mom
"After several weeks of working with her to help her get comfortable with [the pacer gait trainer provided by the ADAPT Shop], one day, she just decided to pull herself up all on her own (which she had never done before) and just started kicking her legs out to walk! Ever since then, she LOVES her walker and uses it all the time - she's developed leaps and bounds with the help of her walker and we're confident she wouldn't have progressed as quickly without it." - Lindsay, Mackenzie's mom
"The team at Southwest Human Development was really good at reinforcing what we were already doing with Eli and encouraging us to continue doing what we were doing, how to scaffold the activities that we were already working on with him, how to include siblings with Eli and incorporate daily-life activities. And that is essential for any child, but also a family because you don't live in isolation so it has to be functional for the family." - Krista, Eli and Cooper's mom
"When you give a little bit of your time, you receive more back. It makes you feel good. When you put your head on your pillow at night, you know you've made a difference." - Kathy, a Southwest Human Development volunteer
Organization name
Southwest Human Development
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Health, Children & Family
2850 N. 24th Street