Sustainable Silicon Valley

A nonprofit organization

32 donors

SSV envisions a healthy environment, a vibrant economy and a socially equitable community in Silicon Valley and throughout the world. Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV) believes that with Silicon Valley’s ingenuity and collaboration, we can accelerate climate action that envisions a Net Positive future for the region

Imagine if we could generate more renewable energy than we use, sequester more carbon than we emit, and use only the water we have locally, all by the year 2050?

At SSV, we are busy building momentum for Net Positive Bay Area. Working with Ecumenical Hunger Program in East Palo Alto to bring green energy and water to a critically important NGO and a low income community; helping the SF Bay Area Super Bowl 50 (Feb. 2016) become the first Net Positive sporting event in the world; launching a working group to bring distributed recycled water to San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. With cooperation from cities, businesses, universities, NGOs and other stakeholders, our goal for a regenerative region by 2050 is very much attainable. 

We facilitate collaboration, share information, help build bridges across silos and spark innovation so that people can work together to solve the biggest challenges of our time. We use multiple strategies for concocting the chemistry of positive change; information sharing, collaboration and tangible projects.

The Rationale
Cities are growing. Natural resources that provide a backbone to our urban communities are depleting, leading to environmental degradation and greater pollution. The effects of this resource-constrained world are felt the greatest by the local communities, particularly the less affluent ones. Some cities and neighborhoods are at risk of being left behind but face the same, if not more, risks and challenges with changing climate. Further, as the tech revolution runs the risk of increasing the gaps between the haves and have not’s we fear a similar gap will develop in the emerging solutions and associated economy of climate technology and adaptation. We as a region and as a connected world cannot leave entire communities out of climate change solutions. SSV believes that with a collaborative, cooperative approach, there is hope. Hope to build sustainable and vibrant urban communities that can give back to the region - by producing more energy than they consume and conserving water - and create a network of Net Positive neighborhoods by 2050.

To learn more about Sustainable Silicon Valley and how you can get involved, please contact or visit the website

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Read about our pilot projects in low-income communities on OpenIDEO platform:

We invite you to join us and make a difference!



Organization Data


Organization name

Sustainable Silicon Valley

Tax id (EIN)



Environment Science, Tech & Business


PO BOX 576
SANTA CLARA, CA 95052-0576


650-318-3638 x100