Sunnyvale Historical Society and Museum Association Inc

A nonprofit organization

30 donors

We accomplish our mission through the actions of preservation, promotion, education and community cooridnation.  We rely on fantastic volunteers, but we need your donations to continue our mission.

The Association was successful in creating an alliance with the City of Sunnyvale to anchor a project to build an historical museum in Sunnvyale.  The Sunnvyale Heritage Park Museum was constructed to be a near replica of the Murphy Family home and opened in September 2008. The Murphy Family was among the original settlers in the Santa Clara Valley and pre-dated the Donner party. Sunnyvale was originally called Murphy Station as the Murphy family donated land to extend the railroad and were awarded a train stop.

The association is an ALL-VOLUNTEER organization, so our entire budget is dedicated to the museum and its related programs. Your donation not only helps us maintain the museum, but also enables us to continue our education programs to local school children.  

Yearly, we have numerous programs:

  • We host numerous local third-graders from around 20 different schools who participate in field trips to the museum. 
  • We sponsor quarterly speakers on interesting topics.
  • Besides housing varied permanent exhibits related to the history of Sunnyvale, we display rotating exhibits around specific themes, and hold receptions to celebrate the historical significance of the display's theme.

Admission is always FREE.  We are are open year round  to the public Tuesdays/Thursdays/Sundays from noon to 4pm.

Please donate to help us preserve and celebrate our local history!

Organization Data


Organization name

Sunnyvale Historical Society and Museum Association Inc

Tax id (EIN)



PO BOX 2187