Organization name
Southeastern Rett Syndrome Alliance
Tax id (EIN)
2940 Magnolia Park Drive SEOwens Cross Roads, AL 35763
The Southeastern Rett Syndrome Alliance (SRSA) is a grassroots organization established in January 2007, to provide a network of information and emotional support to families and caregivers of Rett Syndrome children and adults; and to increase public awareness of Rett Syndrome.
The Southeastern Rett Syndrome Alliance (SRSA) serves as an International Rett Syndrome Foundation regional representative, to provide direct support and advocacy at the local level.
The Southeastern Rett Syndrome Alliance (SRSA)‘s purpose is to develop understanding and awareness of Rett Syndrome; to promote the general welfare of those with Rett Syndrome; to assist in indentifying persons with Rett Syndrome; to support families in coping with the disorder, and conduct activities aimed at prevention, treatment and eradication of Rett Syndrome.
Organization name
Southeastern Rett Syndrome Alliance
Tax id (EIN)
2940 Magnolia Park Drive SE