Somatic Experiencing® International

A nonprofit organization

201 donors

Stress, Shock, and Trauma Can Impact Our Ability to Thrive.

The majority of people will experience a traumatic event in their lifetime. Whether they experience the loss of a loved one, a natural disaster, severe violence, or chronic injustice, these experiences can have a deep impact. An estimated 6% of the world's population will be diagnosed with PTSD in their lifetime. Left unresolved, trauma can manifest in physical pain, mental illness, and lower quality of life. Through exploration of our body's natural responses to stressors and expanding our view of the human potential to heal, we can learn new ways to respond to the hardships we face.

We Believe Healing Trauma Transforms Lives.

Over the past fifty years, science has learned a lot about how our nervous systems are the key to addressing and healing from trauma. Somatic Experiencing® is the culmination of years of research and clinical practice. It resolves symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in the body. When we are stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze, SE™ helps us release, recover, and become more resilient. 

Hear about Somatic Experiencing from its founder, Dr. Peter Levine:

In recent years, SE has come into the global spotlight for its innovative approach to somatic healing, and Somatic Experiencing International (SEI) is the academic and humanitarian home of SE. We aim to restore the stability and vitality of communities around the world by training and mobilizing healing and helping professionals. Since our founding:

  • Over 125,000 people have earned their Somatic Experiencing Practitioner certificates in over 40 countries and territories.
  • SE has been used to provide relief to communities in crisis from Colorado to Croatia, and everywhere in between.
  • Groundbreaking research is underway to establish Somatic Experiencing as an evidence-based best practice to resolve fixed neurophysiological states.
  • In 2021, over 12,000 people attended educational webinars focused on new SE applications, practice management for SE professionals, and issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in somatic fields.

Together, we can heal the world. 

Your gift makes an impact on the lives of helpers, healers, and those they serve every day. Thank you for your generosity!

Organization Data


Organization name

Somatic Experiencing® International

Tax id (EIN)



Education International Humanitarian Aid


5303 Spine Rd Suite 204
Boulder, CO 80301



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