Organization name
SMUG International
Tax id (EIN)
International , Humanitarian Aid
10 Alger Drive P.O. Box 1937Scarborough, ME 04074
June 30, 2020 --
International LGBTI Giving Day
We need your help now -- please give generously.
Punitive laws against same-sex acts and deeply seeded homophobic attitudes mean that LGBTIQ+ people in Uganda and on the continent of Africa, constantly face discrimination, violence, bigotry and blackmail. These conditions have only been exacerbated during COVID-19 and worldwide anti LGBTI+ propaganda in the USA and internationally. Uganda has endured one of the harshest and longest lockdowns in the world since April 1. During the lockdown, the situation for LGBTIQ+ people has deteriorated considerably. Post election assaults and arrest by civil society and government/military criminals continues. SMUG International works on the ground to gain release of LGBTI+ persons through the courts.
The crackdown on LGBTIQ+ people in Uganda and throughout Africa has been fueled by political rhetoric and conservative religious leaders. The Ugandan police and security forces raided a shelter for young homeless LGBTIQ+ people and arbitrarily arrested transgender women and gay men even though the constitution and the UN Charters state human rights protection. While in prison, they acquired various infectious diseases and those living with HIV do not have access to their medicine. Upon release, most of the wrongfully detained are in need of mental health care, food, and shelter. Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) has been at the forefront of ensuring the release and providing for the LGBTI+ persons upon their release.
SMUG is an advocacy and network organization representing 18 LGBTIQ organizations in Uganda. SMUG usually does not provide services, but advocates for LGBTIQ+ people. However, during COVID-19, SMUG has had to alter its focus to provide vital services including shelter, food, psychosocial counseling, and legal representation to LGBTIQ+ people in crisis. SMUG provides these services willingly and wholeheartedly out of solidarity to the community that they serve.
Unfortunately, we are at a financial breaking point. Our Kampala main office and shelter have been closed and our SMUG website closed by government officials. We are challenging these closures in the courts. Uganda and other nations of the developing world continue to suffer through the financial effects of COVID-19 and the many ways exacerbates the existing inequalities experienced by LGBTIQ+ people in Uganda. On this #GiveOut day, we therefore humbly ask you to support us with what you can, if you can.
All donations received will go towards providing emergency shelter, trauma-informed mental health services, food, and lifesaving medication. We are grateful for any amount you may be able to contribute.
Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), is an umbrella non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Kampala, Uganda, advocating for the protection and promotion of human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Ugandans. SMUG was formed in March 2004 as a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI) NGO network to address human rights emerging issues based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. Currently, the network comprises eighteen (18) LGBTI organizations.
The purpose of SMUG International is to support the activities and programs of Sexual Minorities Uganda located in Kampala, Uganda. Support is in the form of fundraising, grant writing & administration, strategic planning, networking, linkages, and contracting with similar US-based organizations, along with executive coaching to SMUG's leadership.
SMUG Team -- Kampala, Uganda
Organization name
SMUG International
Tax id (EIN)
International , Humanitarian Aid
10 Alger Drive P.O. Box 1937