Organization name
Santa Cruz Toddler Care Center
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
1738 16TH AVESANTA CRUZ, CA 95062
Have you been looking for a way to invest in a future that is peaceful, respectful, and sustainable? Do you believe that all children, regardless of family income deserve high quality childcare?
ACT LOCALLY by supporting the Toddler Center!
Quality early childhood education is the number one predictor for positive outcomes for teens and adults regarding violence prevention, health, and later success in school.
Want to support an organization that empowers young children to be strong advocates for themselves and others? An organization that knows that conflict resolution skills can be taught to one and two year olds? An organization that believes that even our youngest citizens deserve to be treated with respect?
You can help us to change the world, one diaper at a time!
Your support, no matter how large or small will go far in improving the life of a young child, for now, and for the future.
In fact, studies show that for each dollar invested in early childhood education, the return rate is 13 dollars!
Please help us to create the society that we all know is possible.
Thank you!
Questions? Call us at (831) 476-4120
Co-Executive Directors
Organization name
Santa Cruz Toddler Care Center
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
1738 16TH AVEPhone