Foundation for Alternative Cancer Therapies Ltd

A nonprofit organization

1 donor

Who We Are

Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT), also known as Foundation for Alternative Cancer Therapies, was founded in 1971 by Ruth Sackman. FACT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, educational organization, headquartered in New York City. FACT’s mission is to provide carefully verified information, resources and support to patients seeking nontoxic, biologically sound treatments for cancer and other chronic conditions. A large part of our work is also focused on individuals wishing to learn about prevention and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Where We Are Today

Our website,, is a treasure trove of articles, audio and video case histories and expert presentations, recipes, product information, recommended books, all 4 decades of our official FACT print magazine, a Practitioner Directory, and more. We have a free email newsletter with a huge and ever expanding list of global subscribers. We have also produced a documentary film, Rethinking Cancer, featuring long-term recovered patients recounting their experiences and why they chose the nontoxic approach to healing. The DVD is subtitled in English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese and in demand worldwide. 

The success of our educational efforts, however, has brought forth a new and huge challenge: how to meet the needs of the growing number of people from all over the world who are seeking individual advice and resources for dealing with health problems in ways other than the conventional, toxic protocols.

What We Want to Achieve

We urgently need to raise funds to expand our national and international outreach! We have great resources on our Practitioner Directory, but primarily concentrated in North America and Central Europe. When we receive queries from all over the US, Asia, Africa, South America, many parts of Northern and Southern Europe, the Middle East, we are very limited in our ability to help. More financial support would enable us to offer assistance to a far greater number of individuals. Specifically, we would:

•  Create foreign language web pages with key content and video streaming capability, starting off in those countries speaking the languages subtitled in our film.

•  Establish local contacts in as many countries as possible — people who share our vision and understand the concepts of the nontoxic approach to treatment. These representatives would attend medical conferences to enlist qualified practitioners, interact with patients, present the film, etc. Already, we have a number of volunteers for these positions, but funds are needed for travel and other expenses.

In short, we want to do everything we can to give individuals an opportunity to succeed in regaining and maintaining health. First and foremost, people need to know that there are, indeed, viable ways, other than conventional, to deal with serious disease and that there is a place where they can find competent information and connect with an experienced medical advisor. We have seen over our 40 plus years that patients do best when they are confident in their understanding of this approach to treatment AND partner with a skilled practitioner who can answer questions and help design and adjust their healing program. The Internet, in many ways, is a great blessing, but it’s also treacherous — full of misinformation and scams that can hijack desperate patients.

We sincerely hope you’ll consider a contribution (tax-deductible in U.S.) of any size to help us reach out to people struggling to find a path to healing. We are setting a goal of $10,000 which can go a very long way to make this possible. This is a huge, worthy endeavor — we hope you’ll join us!

Thanks and Best of health!

Consuelo, Jim, Greg, Alex, Ellen, et al, at FACT

Organization Data


Organization name

Foundation for Alternative Cancer Therapies Ltd

Tax id (EIN)





PO BOX 1242 Old Chelsea Station
NEW YORK, NY 10113