Organization name
Poppy Life Care Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Volunteer
307 Placentia Ave, Suite 203Newport Beach, CA 92663
We are being REACTIVE not PROACTIVE when it comes to children's health.
623k babies are on psychiatric drugs in the United States, and over 7.2 children in the U.S. are on prescription drugs for issues related to anxiety, depression and ADHD.
52% of college students reported feeling depressed or anxious, a clear indication that we are not being proactive
Spectrum disorders have more than doubled since early 2000's, more than 15% of children have a developmental disability, most of which are NOT covered by health insurance.
(Source: Statista)
Give the gift of a better future for the next generation.
Poppy Life Care is a United States non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is determined to educate and empower children and their parents struggling with children’s health issues related to spectrum disorders, development disorders, ADHD, anxiety and depression. Our goal is to facilitate awareness and education while building innovative care programs, which we hope to accomplish alongside our local communities, its businesses and people. We believe in helping each other as part of an ecosystem of local business, healthcare groups, academic institutions and professionals alike.
"The Purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see in the world" and that is what we strive to be and do together.
Source (statista)
Our Solutions:
You can read a bit more about our work here. We are happy to answer any questions at
These are MASSIVE issues that require HUGE ideas and solutions and we believe we can make a real impact on children's health by implementing unique care programs that include the above as well as an interdisciplinary approach to education, treatment and therapies.
We also believe that care, education and support for children and their families should be easily accessible.
Our work is only possible with donations and we are so grateful for any and all support.
"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed." Maya Angelou
Please check out our website at or email us at for any questions.
We thank you for your consideration and support!
Poppy Team
Organization name
Poppy Life Care Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Volunteer
307 Placentia Ave, Suite 203