Organization name
Phoenix Children's Chorus
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
1202 N 3RD STPHOENIX, AZ 85004
$3,830 raised by 22 donors
77% complete
$5,000 Goal
"When I first joined PCC, I thought I was just going to sing, but I felt at home. I felt welcome. At first, I was scared. I thought people would make fun of me, but here I feel happy and fearless." -9 year old Prep Chorister
"I joined PCC in second grade after my mom took me to an audition, and I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. Now as a recent alumnus looking back on my PCC journey, I can say that it truly has transformed my life. Through music, I have been able to develop my musicianship, form friendships that will last a lifetime, learn from incredibly nurturing & passionate directors, experience new cultures, and grow as a person. Apart from music, PCC has taught me the value of a supportive community as well as how to reach out to a wide range of people and be a better leader, all of which are crucial skills in the future. Being a part of PCC is beyond worth it and I am so lucky to be part of the PCC family". 17 year old Chorister
PCC has absolutely changed my life, whether be through the music, through the people, or the environment, it's definitely a safe place to sing. Over the years I have contemplated many times of leaving because it does get pretty hectic sometimes, but through it all, I continue because no matter how hard it gets, I know that in the end PCC is truly my family, my home, and my escape. Over the past year I began to become isolated and not involved with others as I usually am. But as the year goes on, I've noticed I have so many people around me that love and appreciate me and I can reach out to them. I am absolutely astonished on how much this organization has impacted my life in such an amazing way and I am so grateful that I had the honor to be a part of it! 16 year old chorister
At first PCC was just a fun activity to make music through, but as I got older I realized how much I needed this choir. PCC was an escape from my problems at school. Whatever was weighing me down throughout the day, I knew I could go to PCC and feel loved and accepted and not be broken down. When people would tell me that I was not good enough or dumb for having big dreams, I knew I just had to wait until we had rehearsal to be understood by people and an organization where no dream is too big. Because of PCC, I know that I want to be part of an organization like this as a career so I can help kids keep their dreams alive for as long as possible. 18 year old Encore Chorister
"I joined PCC when I was in 8th grade, with a painfully low self-esteem. I felt like I was never good enough in anything I did, and that others were constantly judging my every move. PCC brought something into my life that I never thought I would have- a home among my peers. I have met some of my closest friends through this organization, and almost every person I meet is kind and loving. This choir is a place where different types of people can come together to complete a common goal; to make music. Music brings people together and forms a bond that I previously thought I would never have. I am so thankful to this organization for everything it has taught me, and it will remain in my heart for the rest of my life." 17 year old Encore Chorister
Organization name
Phoenix Children's Chorus
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
1202 N 3RD ST