Parliament of the Worlds Religions

A nonprofit organization

$7,133 raised

100% complete

$6,000 Goal

The Parliament of the World’s Religions cultivates harmony among the world’s spiritual traditions and fosters their engagement with guiding institutions in order to achieve a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

Its origins are rooted in the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, where the historic first convening of the World Parliament of Religions created a global platform for engagement of religions of the east and west.

Headquartered in Chicago, IL, USA, the Parliament of the World’s Religions is an international 501(c)3 NGO affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information.

The vision of the Parliament of the World’s Religions is of a just, peaceful, and sustainable world in which:

  • Religious and spiritual communities live in harmony and contribute to a better world from their riches of wisdom and compassion.
  • Religious and cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with understanding and respect. People everywhere come to know and care for their neighbors.
  • The richness of human and religious diversity is woven into the fabric of communal, civil, societal and global life.
  • The world’s most powerful and infuential institutions move beyond narrow self-interest to realize common good.
  • The Earth and all life are cherished, protected, healed and restored. All people commit to living out their highest values and aspirations.

The Parliament of the World’s Religions seeks to promote interreligious harmony, rather than unity; this understanding is key to our framework.

Interreligious harmony is an attainable and highly desirable goal. Such an approach respects and is enriched by the particularities of each tradition. Moreover, within each tradition are the resources (philosophical, theological, and spiritual teachings and perspectives) that enable each to enter into respectful, appreciative, and cooperative relationships with persons and communities of other traditions. This is especially important as we work together to address the critical issues of our time.

Organization Data


Organization name

Parliament of the Worlds Religions

Tax id (EIN)





70 E LAKE ST STE 230


(312) 629-2990

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