Organization name
North Shelby County Library District
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community
Our library was created to serve the public and provide them with the information and resources they require. We do this in a variety of ways. First, we provide print and electronic materials to our community. Our collection houses fiction and nonfiction books for one's academic and recreational purposes. We divide this collection into sections based upon one’s age group. For example, children in our community have an entire department dedicated to them, which includes picture books, chapter books, puzzles and games, educational computers, and family friendly videos. We also have collections set aside for teenagers and adults.
Second, we organize and implement multiple library programs that support our overall mission. Most of these programs are designed to meet the interests and needs of specific age groups, with some meeting the needs of the family overall. These programs include everything from computer instruction classes and book discussion groups to storytimes and family movie nights.
One can best see the effect our programs have on the family through Summer Reading. Its primary focus is the enrollment of individuals at the library and the promotion of reading through offered prizes. Children, teenagers, and adults are welcome to take part in the general reading event and the individual events that each department has throughout the summer. Summer Reading has become one of our most successful endeavors with 1,428 children, 260 teens, and 146 adults enrolling at our library during 2011. It has also become one of our most enjoyed programs, since we fulfill our mission while also promoting literacy and community development to all ages.
Our library is community-founded and community-based. We ask for your continued support through your monetary donations and through your utilization of our resources. We seek to serve you in your informational needs and ask for the opportunity to do so.
Organization name
North Shelby County Library District
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community