Organization name
Nevada Archaeological Association
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education
PO BOX 73145Las Vegas, NV 89170
From Prehistoric cultures to Historic wagon trains to Military History in Nevada...
The mission of the NAA is to encourage public interest and involvement in archaeology and historic preservation by sharing information through lectures, workshops, field trips, an annual meeting, and both a quarterly newsletter and yearly journal publications.
Archaeologists affiliated with the NAA volunteer their time to help educate other NAA members and to provide them opportunities to experience Nevada archaeology!
We hosts a three-day annual meeting that features workshops on historic and prehistoric archaeology, paper presentations, a keynote speaker, student scholarship grants, socials, and a silent auction, to name a few.
Everyone is welcome to register and submit a topic to speak. Students studying Nevada history are encourage to apply for our Student Research Grants!
NAA also designs and prints a poster to celebrate Nevada Historic Preservation and Archaeology Awareness Month. These are available free to the public.
We encourage professionals and avocationals - anyone just interested in history and archaeology - to join and to submit their experiences and research for consideration to our newsletter and journals: In Situ and Nevada Archaeologist.
Organization name
Nevada Archaeological Association
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education
PO BOX 73145