Organization name
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Humanitarian Aid
1730 M Street NW Suite 705WASHINGTON, DC 20036
Thank you for helping us get #BootsOffTheStreet this Veterans Day! Your support is helping us end veteran homelessness.
Since 2009, the number of veterans living on the streets on a given night has decreased by 50% to about 40,000 through coordinated efforts at the federal, state, and local level. Since 1990, the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) – a national nonprofit organization made up of homeless veteran service providers from across the country – has been the driving engine of this effort.
NCHV has played a major role in the creation, implementation, and adaptation of every federal program that serves homeless veterans. For the community service providers serving homeless veterans through these programs, NCHV is the nation’s foremost capacity-building partner. NCHV’s training forums and technical assistance services ensure major programs are implemented efficiently and effectively to offer a hand up to employment, housing, and overall stability for veterans who are homeless or are at risk of falling into homelessness.
Over the past 28 years, NCHV has served as the connection point in a vital feedback loop between community partners and Federal agencies. We make connections between government, corporate, and community entities to best serve veterans in need. What began as a small group of concerned veterans is now truly a national coalition making immense headway to the final goal of ending veteran homelessness.
Though progress has been remarkable, especially over the past five years, we are not finished. 40,000 veterans on the street tonight need our support right now, and any veteran who falls into homelessness or finds himself at risk in the future will need our help. We will be there.
Stand with us and the veterans who have served our country in saying: “we support you, and we will fight hard to offer a hand up to any man or woman who was willing to go into harm’s way for our country."
Organization name
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Humanitarian Aid
1730 M Street NW Suite 705