Organization name
Microloan Foundation Usa
Tax id (EIN)
International , Community , Economic Development
237 Bonad RdBrookline, MA 02467
We enable some of the world’s poorest people to work their own way out of poverty by providing training and microloans. We help them start successful businesses to build independence and financial resilience.
What we provide
Loans and ongoing business training – these are used to start small businesses.
This helps the women to become self-sufficient for their daily needs. As a result, over time the money they earn helps to provide food security, better housing, access to healthcare, and an education for their children.
What we encourage
The training we provide ensures that our clients are equipped to manage their finances and create sustainable enterprises that will help them generate an income and provide for their families. We also focus on informing the women on the benefits of saving and encourage them to make modest savings. This is to provide insurance against future crop failure, family illness and other unpredictable situations. Consequently, this gives them confidence in their ability to weather whatever life throws at them.
How we do it
Organization name
Microloan Foundation Usa
Tax id (EIN)
International , Community , Economic Development
237 Bonad Rd