Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community
100 Far Horizons LnAsheville, NC 28803
MemoryCare was established in 2000 to serve families affected by Alzheimer's or other types of dementia. We provide individualized support and education for caregivers that are integrated with expert medical care for the cognitively impaired older adults in their care. We provide community education about healthy aging and dementia. Because dementia is progressive and has no cure, all with the disease eventually require support from others. By engaging caregivers early in the process, we limit inappropriate use of acute care systems, promote advanced care planning, guide establishment of safety routines, prolong time in a home setting, and ease stresses dementia can cause. Medicare/insurance does not cover the comprehensive care families receive and almost half of clients are low income by HHS Poverty Standards. We are committed to providing services to all with need regardless of their ability to pay for the service.
Our services include providing an accurate diagnosis, development of a comprehensive written care plan and long term planning, addressing financial, legal, and safety issues, caregiver training, counseling, support, behavioral management, coordination of services offered by other agencies, end of life care planning, direction to primary care providers, and more.
Families help with a cost-sharing fee, but in order to remain affordable and accessible to all, we must rely upon the generosity of our community.
In 2017, MemoryCare served 1,034 individuals with dementia and 3,483 of their caregivers. We provided dementia specific education to more than 1,519 individuals through our community outreach and education programs.
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at 888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the State.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community
100 Far Horizons Ln