Making a Difference Now (MADN)

A nonprofit organization

$3,945 raised by 18 donors

100% complete

$3,000 Goal

Our Mission is to Rescue Animals, 

Educate Communities, and Advocate For Animal Welfare

Making A Difference Now (MADN) is a volunteer-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the well-being of all creatures.  We have been helping animals and the people who love and care for them since 2009.  

Rescuing Animals  Animal welfare is in crisis.  The pandemic upended years of progress, pet overpopulation has ballooned, organizations and individuals in the field are stressed to the breaking point and beyond, virtually all rescues and shelters are over-capacity and under-resourced, and no end is in sight.  We know what to do.  But the lifesaving solutions we worked so hard to implement  – spay/neuter (S/N), trap-neuter-return (TNR), return to field (RTF), foster care, adoption from rescues, community support for shelters – are themselves at risk because of fewer volunteers and more limited resources.  Many who have helped for years and would love to help more find themselves tapped out, too.

So we need you!  If you are in a position to volunteer, foster animals, adopt a new family member, transport animals, donate, spread the word to others, or offer other skills and support, we would love to hear from you.  There are so many ways you can Make A Difference for animals in need!

Educating Communities  We believe strongly in collaboration and coalition-building and in expanding our reach and impact by working together and helping other individuals and organizations increase their impact, too.  We partner with other excellent nonprofits to present webinars and virtual training opportunities and we were delighted to be able to offer one of our signature in-person training events again for the first time since Covid. Making A Difference 2023:  Reimagining Animal Welfare brought human services and animal welfare staff and volunteers together for the first time in our area to learn about the many intersections between human and animal welfare.  

Information about the conference and other training programs is available on our website -  If you have expertise in event planning, education and training, community engagement and similar activities, we would love you to join us!

Advocating for Animal Welfare  Long-term, lasting change will only occur when we create greater public awareness of and commitment to animal welfare and to legislation and policies that value animal lives.  We are behind in Kentucky, and animals and the people who love and care for them suffer needlessly as a result.  Currently ranked 46th in our animal protection statutes by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Kentucky has a long way to go, and progress will only happen if enough constituents demand it.  If you are interested in advocacy, community engagement, contacting elected officials and influencing legislation at all levels, there is work to be done and we would love to talk with you about it!

Please consider YOUR path to Making A Difference and join us to build a kinder and more compassionate world for all.  

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Making a Difference Now (MADN)

Tax id (EIN)



Animals Community Volunteer


Post Office Box 21724


859 559 2466

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