Lyon-Martin Community Health Services

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

The mission of Lyon-Martin Community Health Services is to provide high quality, compassionate and trauma-informed medical, gynecological, and mental health care services to trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex communities and cis-gender women with specific sensitivity to LGBQA+ sexual orientations, disability, size, race, ethnicity, and language, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. 

We aim to address and eliminate health inequities for our communities by rooting our clinical practice in core foundational frameworks of intersectionality, self-determination, harm reduction, anti-racism, and reproductive and disability justice. As a community clinic, we believe our communities are best served by and for us; that’s why community outreach, engagement, and leadership development are central to our mission of community care and mutual aid. Lastly, we are committed to increasing access to culturally responsive care beyond our walls through provider training and education, and policy advocacy.

Organization Data


Organization name

Lyon-Martin Community Health Services

Tax id (EIN)



1735 Mission St
San Francisco, CA 94103