Organization name
Lincoln Arts Council
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
1701 S 17th St Ste 1ALincoln, NE 68502
Championing the Arts, Connecting People, Changing Lives.
“Thank you for the generous gift of art supplies. I will use them over the summer. I could also use them in the 6th grade if they are not worn out by then. Art supplies are better than gossiping, swearing and listening to weird stuff. In other words, I will not have time to think about bad and annoying things [when using my art supplies]. I cannot wait to use them and share them with my sisters and brother.” -5th Grader at Prescott Elementary having received take-home art supplies through Art Makes Me SmART.
The transformation of “John,” a young man held at Lancaster County Youth Services Center: The staff wondered if he was mute when he first arrived because he was so uncommunicative. He has been so crippled by criticism that he is afraid to experiment with anything; even using multiple colors on a page. By his third art project, he is on his feet greeting the arriving artist and engaging in conversation; a miraculous transformation. Staff reports to us weeks after the artist residency that he continues to grow in his confidence, patience with others, respect and self-advocacy. We say, “Wow, how amazing that he is now on a better path.” We are told, “You don’t understand – he was on no path when he arrived, good or bad. He had never been exposed to the possibility of any path before this experience with art.” – Randy Farmer, Educational Director, Pathfinder Program-LPS
Incorporation of the arts into the life of any community adds measurably to the quality of life that attracts and keeps professionals in this city. What makes support of L.A.C. unique is the variety of creative disciplines and diversity of outcomes that this agency influences. LAC is positioned to support the whole of the creative community, to bring leadership within the arts community together to collaborate on mutually beneficial outcomes and to advocate for the arts with local, state and federal government. Dedicated efforts for nearly 50 years to strengthen Lincoln’s infrastructure paved the way of support for presenters like The Community Playhouse, The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra, The Lied Center for the Performing Arts and Pinnacle Bank Arena. We have a long history of effective service and we are dedicated to upholding the public trust that we have to serve the community of Lincoln on behalf of the arts. We continue to work to make the arts accessible to all.
Organization name
Lincoln Arts Council
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
1701 S 17th St Ste 1A